Wing Na Wong is a photorealist painter. Her specialty is portraiture, depicting people or animals with expressive details. Photorealism has always been her interest, but her decision to officially make it her career began when she started fine tuning her techniques. Creating portraits and bringing them alive with details gives her all the satisfaction and encouragement she needs for the next art piece. It is telling the story of a person, a biography, using her paint brush to depict the many life experiences that we all go through with visual clues and artistic details.
She is a recipient of the Antonio Alberetti Excellence in Painting Award, The City of Danbury Proclamation from Mayor of City of Danbury Mark Boughton and the #1 Painting Award, Juried Fine Art & Crafts Show in Danbury, CT. Her work has been exhibited in solo shows, group shows and juried exhibition shows in Connecticut, Massachussetts, New York and Pennsylvania, as well as viewed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. She has paintings in the government offices of Mark Boughton, Mayor of Danbury, and Jahana Hayes, U.S. Congressional Representative in Waterbury, CT.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.