Tony Luciani has been a full-time painter for over forty years, graduating from the Ontario College of Art in 1977 with honours. Still relatively young at age twenty-one, he was encouraged to continue with his fifth-year post-graduate study in Florence, Italy. It was there that he found maturity as an artist while observing the paintings of the Renaissance Masters. Upon returning, he was immediately accepted for representation by a well-respected and established Toronto art gallery. Tony’s work has been exhibited all across Canada and internationally.
In defining his work, the artist prefers to be placed in a tradition of realism which is interpretive as well as with focused observation.
Luciani is an award winner with the George A. Reid Scholarship (OCA), Elizabeth Greenshields Foundations Grant (3), and numerous Canada Council Arts Grants.
In the '80s, he left Toronto to live in rural Ontario and it is this change that has profoundly altered his choice of the subject matter. Still a figure and still life painter, the landscape and small towns have become part of his life and as a result a major source of inspiration.
In 2015, Tony Luciani began to include photography as a means of his creative expression. His ongoing series depicting his aging mother, who has dementia, has garnered the artist many accolades and a multitude of prestigious awards. This recognition has further enhanced Luciani's artistic reputation internationally. A world-wide assemblage of television, radio, newspaper, magazines, podcasts, together with a massive online audience, pinnacled when, in 2018, Tony stood alone on stage at the Boston Opera House in front of 2600 people and gave a moving TED Talk about his photography collaboration with his Mom.
Tony Luciani’s art can be found in important private, public, and corporate collections worldwide.
His painting, 'The Dressmaker', won the prestigious 'FIGURATIVAS 2019' First Prize Award, and along with two other works is in the Museu Europeu d'Art Modern's (MEAM) permanent collection.
Luciani is represented by Loch Gallery in Toronto, Winnipeg and Calgary.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.