Esther Schlebos (1967) lives in Buinerveen, in the Northeastern part of The Netherlands.
After a carriere as an entrepeneur I started studying painting in 2013 at The Classical Academy for Fine Arts in Groningen. In 2019 I was graduated and awarded the Prix de Norvège for her graduationseries.
I am a figurative painter and insprired by big boulders, rocks, lichen, sand structures and monumental trees. With very pasty oilpaint and lots of layers I try to interprets the microworld on the surfaces of rocks and trees. Because all layers of oilpaint work is very labor intensive and time consuming.
First I make several pleinair sketches in grafite and oilpaint onsite and when in my studio I work out these images. It’s not my intention to copy exactly what I see but interpret a microworld that is full of layers, of colors and different textures. I like to encounter the subjects that I paint as if they were models, with character and full of stories.
I like to challenge people to look more closely and I lure them into this magical world of stones, trees, lichen and sand.
Art related education:
- 2018 – 2019, Master education (Vocational Artist and Painting), Classical Academy of Fine Arts, Groningen
- 2014 – 2017, 3 year’s Basic education (Painting), Classical Academy of Fine Arts, Groningen
- 2013, Evening school Classical Academy of Fine Arts, Groningen
Workshops & Masterclasses
- August 2019, Study trip Prix de Norvège, Norway
- July 2019, Masterclass Robert Liberace, Flemish Classical Academy, Brugge Belgium
- August 2018, masterclass Henk Helmantel
- August 2018, masterclass Sam Drukker
- July 2018, workshop Pleinair Painting, Florence Academy of Art, Florence Italy
- August 2017, Masterclass Jan van der Kooi
- June 2017, Masterclass Jeremy Lipking, Mheer
- August 2016, Masterclass Svetlana Tartakovska, Groningen
- May 2016, Masterclass Peter Durieux, Ardèche, France
- August 2014 Summerschool Classical Academy of Fine Arts, Groningen
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.