Blair Atherholt

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Blair Atherholt

United States

At age 18, Blair Atherholt set out on an undergraduate Pre-Med course of study at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. However, at exam time, when Atherholt thumbed through his notebooks from his classes, he came face to face with the reality that the notebooks were full of drawings and sketches instead of the notes he needed to study.


From that day forward, Atherholt determined not to pursue a medical career but an art career instead. He entered the Schuler School of Fine Arts in 2011 in pursuit of learning the techniques and disciplines of the Old Masters. The life works of Hans Schuler, Sr. (1874-1951) and Jacques Maroger (1884-1962) and their dedication to excellence in art represent the hallmark of the Schuler School and its mission in training students of the school.


Now at 28 years old, Atherholt is focused upon traditional still life painting made distinctively his own with contemporary, imaginative subject matter. He strives with each new painting to improve his control of the medium, one measured brushstroke at a time.


His work has been included in multiple national shows and international publications. Most recently, he was awarded 3rd Place in the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society Spring Online Exhibition 2020,  2nd Place in the Artists Magazine Annual Art Competition: Still Life + Interiors, as well as the Windows to the Divine Award in the Art Renewal Center's 14th International Salon. He also received the Realism Award of Excellence in the Oil Painters of America 28th National Juried Exhibition, as well as the Best Still Life Award in the National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society's Best of America Small Works Exhibition. Previously, he was also honored to be a featured artist in Southwest Art Magazine's 21 Under 31 issue, in September 2017. His work is also part of numerous public and private collections.


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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