Kumiko S. McKee

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Kumiko S. McKee

United States

Kumiko S. McKee is a portrait artist and owner of the "3 Square Art" Fine Art Center. She was born and grew up in Japan. She studied art through high school as an art major in Japan and graduated from the University of Wyoming with a Bachelors of Fine Art degree. She has a permanent membership to the Golden Key International Honor Society. She has traveled to over 36 countries to see art in the world and has worked professionally as a display designer in Tokyo. She is an award-winning artist creating large oil paintings of Japanese-themed historical subjects as well as extremely detailed portrait drawings in large scale format revealing the true spirit of her subjects. She has received prestigious awards in numerous juried exhibits including first place awards for four times.

Currently, she is currently working on a series of drawings titled “American Family” in which portraits represent each family member in her multi-cultural family. It is very important for her to express the emotions and characters of her subjects. This helps take a drawing beyond just a normal portrait and bring to life the essence of the person.

She is a co-founder of the “3 Square Art” Fine Art Center, which consists of studio spaces for creative artists, a fine art gallery for juried exhibitions, and art classes. As co-owner of 3 Square Art, she continues her passion for the arts working with her partner helping fellow artists, organizing portrait group sessions and curating monthly exhibits for the 3 Square Art Gallery.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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