Robert Gutteridge

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Robert Gutteridge


Rob Gutteridge is the founding Director and Principal Teacher at the Rob Gutteridge School of Classical Realism in Adelaide, South Australia. Rob has held 28 solo exhibitions and contributed to more than 80 group exhibitions in Australia and internationally. He has received prestigious international scholarships and artist-in-residence positions to: the New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture (1980) USA; The Thomas Laird Travelling Art Study Award (1992) France: Atelier Internationale de Seguret, France; Rimbun Dahan Year-Long Visual Artist (2011) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; artist in residence at Red Gate, Beijing, China (2012). Rob has received national and state funding grants to undertake international study and art travel opportunities. He has been a visual art lecturer at the University of SA, SA School of Art, various S.A. TAFE campuses, and Adelaide Central School of Art where he was Head of Drawing and Printmaking for several years. He is an SGFA (Member of the Society of Graphic Fine Art (London, UK). He has won numerous prizes, most recently for drawing at the SGFA Open Drawing Exhibition at the Menier Gallery, London, UK (2017). He continues to paint and draw, teach, travel, undertake professional development, and exhibit. Most recently he was accepted into the Summer School of the Ilya Repin Russian Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia (2018), where he studied the Russian approach to academic figure drawing and painting.


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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