Aapo Pukk

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Aapo Pukk


SIGNATURE MEMBER of Portrait Society of America since 2017. Member of Portrait Society of America since 1999. I was born on October 3, 1962 in Tartu, Estonia, North-Europe. My father Aleksander Suuman (1927-2003) was a well-known poet, painter and teacher.

My mother Laine Pukk (born 1935) taught art at the Children’s Art School (Children age 10-14) for thirty years. I had my first art lessons at home, from my mother. Actually, one could say that I was born in an art school. My mother worked as a teacher at the art school in the town where I was born. We did not have a place to live in and my mother could stay with me in the staff room of the school. When we got a flat we were still very poor, but we always had pencils, paper, watercolors and a brush ready. According to my mother, I used to sit on the floor on top of a big sheet of paper and draw all the time, even before I learned how to speak.

Selected awards:

2nd Honor Award PSOA 2016;

Grand Prize Award International Artist Magazine 2010/2011;

First Place PSOA Members only 2012;

Best Portfolio winner PSOA 2014;

Premio Internationale Lorenzo Il Magni co Florence Biennale 2011;

2nd Place PSOA Members only 2008;

First Honors Award PSOA 2007;

Honorable Mention Art Renewal Center 2003;

Honors Award PSOA 2001;


Europastello 2003, St.Petersburg, Russia, Italy;

The Royal Society of Portrait Painters, 2004, 2005.

Today I am a teacher at the Estonian Academy of Arts and I also organize courses of classic figurative art at the Aapo Pukk Art School.

STATEMENT: I believe that every portrait artist is constantly on the lookout for his perfect model. He is searching for that special person who can tell a story without using words - not just his or her story but also the artists story.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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