John Buxton

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John Buxton

United States

View ARC Gallery

 JOHN BUXTON is an ARC Living Master, with a 56 year career  of experience.

His original paintings reside in the permanent collections of numerous Museums : the Raymond James Museum , Eiteljorg Museum , National Civil War Museum, Heritage Center Museum of Springfield , OH , Cincinnati History Museum , Mary Draper Ingles Museum of Virginia .

John's paintings have been exhibited at numerous prestigious national and international museums and historical sites around the nation. His carefully researched 18th century genre pieces are used for documentary films, books , magazines and as classroom aids to better explain the written historical text.

31 of his 56 year career was as an award winning illustrator , after graduating from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena ,CA.

Many many awards have come his way over those years :  best of show , people's choice or patron's choice awards, museum purchase awards & magazine and newspaper articles etc.   It would take too long to look them all up ... and at my age , i have forgotten most of them anyway . It's more important to look forward and make that next painting as good as those of the past .

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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