Lisa Rickard

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Lisa Rickard

United States

Lisa Rickard, a Philadelphian born in 1962, is a classically trained painter of contemporary figure allegories. The nude as an art form has always resonated with Lisa. As a teenager, her first life drawing of a dancer was purchased by an art collector. She attended Temple University’s Tyler School of Art and then the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. After receiving her degree, she continued to draw the nude model regularly and developed her visual communication skills further by graphically designing and technically illustrating on a consecutive full-time basis for an advertising agency, design firm and a corporate marketing department in a global organization. As a ZUMBA® fitness dance leader, she created custom choreography which served to enrich her artistic anatomy knowledge and expressive design of human form. 

Capella (2018), the first figure painting in her series honoring all nude artist models was shortlisted by the 5th NTD International Figure Painting jurors in 2019 and has been juried into 3 gallery exhibits (New York, South Carolina, & Ohio), published in 3 books and 2 magazines (International Artist Dec/Jan2020 and Artist’s Magazine Jan/Feb2021) and is a finalist in the 14th International Art Renewal Center Salon (2019/2020).

Lisa continues to work on evoking the dignity yet vulnerability of our shared human condition.



* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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