Karmel Timmons

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Karmel Timmons

United States


As a child, Karmel loved a new box of crayons and a big piece of paper to draw on, and while she has changed her medium, she still loves to draw (and paint).  As a young adult, freshly arrived in rural Colorado, the mountain and prairie landscapes and the animals that filled them inspired Karmel to put pencil to paper and “draw what she saw” every day; horses and cattle, and thus began her career as an artist.  Now, after almost 30 years in Colorado, the time is right for a change of scenery; a return to a quiet, country setting with views of the Big Horn mountains and the plains of northern Wyoming providing a new source of inspiration.

Combining her ability to capture detail, texture and mood in pencil with her admiration for her equine subjects resulted in a career as a professional artist that has spanned nearly 20 years.

Karmel has exhibited her work at the Coors Western Art Show, Denver, CO; Buffalo Bill Western Art Show, Cody, WY; Cowgirl Up! in Wickenburg, AZ; Mountain Oyster Show, Tucson, AZ and the American Academy of Equine Art, Lexington, KY.

Her work has been published in Cowboys & Indians, The Cottage Journal, Southwest Art, Art of the West, Western Art Collector, Western Horseman, Eclectic Horseman, and Horses in Art.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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