After graduating Art School in Berdichev, Ukraine (1982-82), I entered Zheleznogorsky Art College to continue to learn classic art in Russia. I spend 4 years of intensive art training program in the College, where I studied classic school of drawing, painting and composition. After graduating Zgeleznogorsky Art College with the Diploma of Art Teaching Credential I went to Saint Petersburg Academy of Art to continue my art education. Three years I studied as an external student at professor A.A. Milnikov’s studio. At that time I developed my interest of studying and copying the art of Great Masters. That led me to study techniques of Old Masters in the Hermitage Museum under the supervision of the leading restorer and master-copyist of the Hermitage Museum in Sant Petersburg, Russia, S.A. Kiseleyv. 8 years of my art career I devoted to study art history and different styles and techniques of art from Renaissance to Modern art. At the same time, under the supervision of two great restorers, S.A. Kiseleyv and O. L. Nadareyshvili I studied the art of restotarion of oil painting and iconography. Working with the restoration brought my understanding of techniques of oil painting on deeper level.
In 2004 I married Ian McWethy and immegrated to the United States in 2006. Since that time I participated in numeros grooup art exhibition through the United States. My art works are in many private collections. They are also in churches collections in Russia and the United States.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.