Ezra Tucker

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Ezra Tucker

United States


Ezra Tucker’s wildlife art is reminiscent of the descriptive art produced by naturalist like  Audubon and Gould. The art of Classical Wildlife artist like Bob Khun, Carl Rungius, Edwin Landseer, Arthur Wardle and Barye has also influenced his style. His depictions like theirs, pulls the viewer into the artwork from curiosity and their desire to be informed. He achieves this with dynamic compositions, unexpected color, lighting, and scale.  Ezra’s large scale paintings of birds and mammals give dignity and presence to each creature he depicts. His compositions reflect the classical style of presenting wildlife in a natural state to reveal their natural behaviors and postures. His depictions are alive, animated and appear ready to step out of two dimensions into a three dimensional world. It is obvious from his exceptional drawing skills that his art derives from his acute knowledge from study of each creature and not from a photographers point of view. His challenge and focus is always to define the beauty of each animal. There is a  romantic appeal that he achieves with his color palette and lighting of his subjects that is familiar but new to contemporary wildlife art. Ezra’s background as a commercial illustrator and designer gives him the experience and almost scientific knowledge of how to present animals in an iconic or bold manner. His use of earth tones and warm light gives his subjects an old masters appeal that brings warmth  to any traditional or contemporary setting when his art is displayed. His art is distinctive and reflective of natural history museum collections. Ezra states, “The challenge I have for myself is to present the beauty and majesty of the animal world in dynamic form to help influence the preservation of our planet varied species through my representation of their nature through my art.


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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