Morgan Samuel Price

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Morgan Samuel Price

United States

Morgan Samuel Price born in Cleveland Ohio is a 1968 graduate of Ringling College of Art & Design, In Sarasota, FL. Morgan began her career at Hallmark Cards Inc.,In Kansas City Missouri as an illustrator. She began her fine art career in 1972 when she opened her first studio in Ardmore, OK.Long before Morgan began her career she was fascinaated with light. The affects of light in Nature has always been the catalyst of Morgan's creativity. She continues to pursue enjoyment of plein air painting as she has for her entire career. Morgan has been published over 28times including two books and producing numerous videos. Morgan has been published in Internation Artist, Artist Magazine, Plein Air Magazine, Northlight Books and numerous other publications. Morgan has participated in more than 65 national exhibi†ôns and numerous Plein Air Invitationals.Memberships to national art societies current and former are: American Society of Marine Artists, Allied Artists, Salmagundi Club, Pastel Soceiy, American Artist Professional League and Copley Society, Catherine Lorillard Wolfe and others. A complete list of awads and honors and exhibitions is listed on Morgan's 

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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