Romulo Galicano
Romulo Noel Galicano born in Carcar, Cebu Philippines, 1945. He started painting landscape, studying direct observations of colors from nature, and following Leonardo da Vinci’s advice that nature is the best teacher. This also served as preparation for figures.
When he migrated to Manila, he became adept in Portraiture, as a means of gaining more advanced knowledge of the human figure, especially the physiological state of the figure. By painting portraiture for many years, this had eventually allowed him to advance to the Grand Manner of figure painting and genre painting, which he began nearly thirty years ago.
Galicano’s work is technically academic in rendering but his philosophical approach is basically ABSTRACT.
In judging his work (and those of others) his first concern is the INTEGRITY of the whole. The style and subject is only secondary.
“The vertical lines in his painting are reconciliation between opposite poles and the merging of the SUBJECTIVE and the OBJECTIVE. Creating a new meaningful work of art.”
He believes that every artist no matter what his stature is, should never be a prisoner of himself of his philosophy, reputation, success and above all his vanity.
The direction of every artist should be FREEDOM.
* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.