Clark Gussin

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Clark Gussin

United States

View ARC Gallery

Biography and Education, Clark Louis Gussin
1948 - Born, Washington D.C
1960-1962-Oil painting and drawing instruction, Corcoran Gallery
of Art-Art School, Washington D.C.
1966 -1970-United States Navy, Third Class Petty Officer
1975 - BFA degree with distinction, California College of Arts
and Crafts, Oakland, CA.
Studied with Jack Mendenhall, Ralph Borge, Michael McClure
1975-1978-Freelance graphic designer/art director Bemiss Jason Corp
1978- 2014- Graphic Designer/Multimedia/User Interface Design
International Business Machines, Designer. Interaction Designer 1978-2014
2019: Daniel Graves Master Class Painting: Florence Academy Practice
2008- 2010: George Rivera, Kristin Lindseth Rivera
2010-2011: BACAA, Juliette Aristides
2010-2011: Warren Chang Studio
2013: George O’Hanlon
2014: Art Renewal Center Living Artist
2014: Present- Independent Fine Art Professional
2016: Artist Member California Art Club

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.