Darya Dolgareva

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Darya Dolgareva

United States

I have always had a clear understanding of what exactly I want to be and how i want my life to unfold. Portrait painting is what has always been on my mind.

 The essence of portrait painting is the desire to change what one sees, to combine the relationship between the model and the artist (often a purely imaginary one) with the attitude the model has towards him- or herself.

 My priority was to learn a technique that has nothing in common with mere imitation of reality.

 The mind is always at work and is attentive to every hint. I have found something new in drawings by Michelangelo, and by fashion illustrator RenĂ© Gruau, paintings by Rembrandt and Rubens, collections by Crhistian Dior and Chanel, photographs by Paolo Roversi, and modern design. Each one has their own way to underline details that I have not paid attention to. I borrow elements of different styles and create my own synthesis, my own world.

 My father was my first role model in art. He taught me the correct understanding of the subject of drawing, to see the bigger picture, and set me an example of  how to effectively teach others.

 My professional path in art began in 2007 when I enrolled at the same school my father graduated from, Pavlovo Technical School for Handicrafts. Closer to the end of my training, it was time for me to choose my major and have an externship. I chose painting, and since 2010 worked as an apprentice in Pavlovo Voskresenckaya Church, painting walls in the refectory with a plant-based ornament. This is where I learnt basic oil painting skills and some mural painting techniques.

 I graduated with honors as a craftsman. In 2011, I enrolled in Costume Design School of Yaroslav the Wise University in Veliky Novgorod with full scholarship. After making good progress in my studies there, I passed the exams to Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design to become a muralist. It was there that I reconsidered what I wanted to do as an artist, and acquired good skills in composition and color theory.

 Art students enjoyed free access to art museums, and I took the opportunity to explore the Hermitage. There, Dutch masters became my trusty teachers as I examined their studies and sketches, getting a peep of their work process.

 Since 2017, I have been teaching in Nachalo art studio. This job has given me the opportunity to help others find themselves and to share what I know about art.


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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