Kazuya Ushioda

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Kazuya Ushioda


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I was born in 1983 in Tochigi Prefecture, where there is a World Heritage site.
I decided to become a painter when I was in high school.
The high school I went to was in Mashiko-cho, famous for ceramic art, and I had the opportunity to touch on the basics of  ceramic art in class.

After that, I went on to Bunsei University of Arts, went on to graduate school, received my master's and doctorate degrees.
The title of the doctorate thesis is “Study on Realistic Expression in Our Days.”
-Research and Development of the Tempera Useful for Realistic Expression-”
My specialty in research is tempera painting.
Tempera painting expressions are also similar to . Japanese style painting Also, There is also a warm touch like ceramic art.
They are at the base of my expression and make my paintings attractive.

I am also qualified as a Middle school and high schoolteacher.
Learning and teaching are both precious and beautiful acts.
We also provide art classes for young artists of the future and pass on their skills.

In the future, I would like to convey the knowledge I have learned not only in Japan but also in overseas university institutions if necessary.I work with the intention to play a part in the development of art not only in Japan but also in the world.


* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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