Roman Pankov

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Roman Pankov

Russian Federation

My name is Roman Pankov and I am a professional artist, originally from Ukraine, Kharkiv. I have lived in Saint Petersburg, Russia, almost all my life. My parents are also artists, so I can say that I am a hereditary artist. I graduated from the University of Herzen with a degree in fine arts, my specialty is teaching at school, but I prefer to work with adults. I taught drawing and painting for 6 years in a private gallery, now I am free floating, writing creative works, developing my style, looking for myself, and this is very interesting ! This opens up new horizons! My favorite technique is a dry brush and oil, it is in them that I feel my strength and think I can prove myself. I have worked very hard on commissioned portraits, I have filled my hand, but this does not promote me as an artist, it creates frames and deprives me of freedom. Now I am completely free and constantly experiment with techniques and styles, I study old and modern masters and learn from them ! So much to try, so much to say ! I want to learn how to transmit feelings, emotions, to transmit wind, cold, light, darkness, I think all this is possible, you just need to learn !

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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