Mandy Peltier

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Mandy Peltier

United States

Mandy Peltier is an artist and instructor who predominantly works in the fine art medium of colored pencil, and her award winning drawings are known for appearing realistic in nature.  Mandy’s artwork has been displayed in several gallery and museum exhibitions, in private collections, and her artwork and tutorials have also been published in various books and magazines. Mandy has achieved her signature status through American Women Artists and her CPSA and CPX signature statuses through the Colored Pencil Society of America (CPSA).  She has taught various classes and workshops around the United States, and she currently serves as the Membership Director for CPSA.  Her desire is to portray her subjects in such a way that they cause the viewer to pause, reflect, and see the beauty in what is too often taken for granted or never noticed, and she hopes her love and excitement for colored pencil is contagious to everyone she talks to!

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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