Kenneth Burton

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Kenneth Burton

United States

After High School I studied Art for one year at the Columbus College of Art and Design in Columbus, Ohio. During that time I learned the basics of design, painting, and drawing. I received my degree in Electrical Engineering from San Jose State University. I designed Intrusion Prevention Systems used in corporate networks. The Intrusion Prevention Systems were implemented with a single mother board that included the CPU, the Ethernet switch and PHYs. Prior to Fab out, I performed Signal Integrity Analysis. CPLD and FPGA design, Provided placement and routing guidance. I then completed the Hardware Design Specification. When the prototypes arrived, I completed board bringup, and released the product to production. I completed an introductory Illustration class at San Jose State after graduation, several drawing and painting classes at Mission College in Santa Clara, a California College of the Arts Extension Illustration class, and a class at the Academy of Art University. Currently, I'm a Docent at Taft Museum of Art, Cincinnati, Ohio.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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