Eugene Kuperman

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Eugene Kuperman

United States

Eugene Kuperman is a published and an award winning artist. Eugene’s work is in many private collections including in a private collection of Robert Harris Rothchild who has many notable works in his collection by artists like: Rembrandt, Chagall, Dali, Ernst, Lichtenstein, and many more. An art catalog came out in 2012 featuring many of those artists as well as the work commissioned from Eugene. From 2010 to his passing in 2014, Eugene Kuperman studied with a renowned Russian artist Leonid Steele whose works are in many museums in the world, including pieces in the notable Tretakov Gallery in Russia. One of Leonid’s former teachers was a student of a famous Russian landscape painter: Isaac Levitan and another teacher he had, was a student of the famous Russian artist: Ilya Repin. From the end of 2014 since Leonid’s passing, Eugene studied painting with an award winning artist Lance Richlin until 2016 whose technical lineage goes back to the French Academic Masters of the 19th century and one of the teachers that he studied under taught Norman Rockwell.

Eugene has been exhibiting since 2006. In 2008, Eugene traveled for a study abroad trip to Paris, France to study the old masters from life at the Louvre. He was very much inspired by the Rubens room there as well as the two Michelangelo sculptures; Dying Slave and Rebellious Slave. Another piece that left an impression on Eugene was Theodore Gerricault’s The Raft of the Medusa. In October 2017, Eugene Kuperman traveled to Italy to study the great Italian Renaissance and Baroque masters. He’s witnessed the greatest works by Michelangelo first hand, such as Statue of David, St.Peter’s Pieta, Sistine Chapel, Tomb of Pope Julius II, Doni Tondo, Pieta Palestrina, the unfinished Slave sculptures, Dome of St.Peter’s Basilica and more. Michelangelo serves as his greatest inspiration for his incredible sense of design and composition. In September 2019, Eugene went back to Italy for further individual studies. He experienced first hand the Medici Tombs designed by Michelangelo as well as many other invaluable Italian works of art which gave Eugene further understanding of art as well as inspiration. Since late 2014, early 2015, Eugene took a new direction in art. He took upon himself to create works of social commentary which to any extent educate, enlighten, and promote change in society. Eugene Kuperman has been published in various art books, magazines, and newspapers.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 15th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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