Seven Hearts by Arantza Sestayo

Home / Salons / 15th ARC Salon

Arantza Sestayo

Seven Hearts


85.09 x 60.96 cm | 33 1/2 x 24 in

Oil on canvas

  • FWSD Award
  • First Place ($2,500 Cash Award) / Imaginative Realism

“In the shadows of the forests live the beings that spoke to us in our childhood, sometimes to scare us, other times to make us dream. Seven Hearts is the excuse to talk about those relationships in which innocence and disinterested love make up a whole, and in which tenderness and harmony are the key. The love between beings of any kind, race, size, or species; the love that only seeks the good of the other. In this piece I have slightly changed the technique that I usually use, to go to more veiled effects and to barely hinted areas to achieve a more ethereal touch, in which Snow White stands out because of her pale skin. The composition is a frame, in which the elements that compose it are stacked to create a warm but suffocating sensation at the same time.” – Arantza Sestayo