Duffy Sheridan

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Duffy Sheridan

United States

View ARC Gallery

Duffy Sheridan has been painting since he was a child. His father was an artist and encouraged him to learn to paint everything. He has traveled the world and dedicated his artistic life to the discovery and expression of beauty as he sees it.

Although he, along with his wife, Jeanne, and sons Eli and Max, spent many years in relative seclusion in the far corners of the world, Sheridan's work has attracted the attention of collectors on five continents, and is included in government, corporate and private collections. His paintings can be found in prestigious institutions from a Cathedral in the South Pacific to the US Air Force Academy to corporate headquarters in Manhattan, as well as in the private residences of kings, judges, bishops, doctors and collectors all over the world.

For over 30 years the teachings of the Baha'i Faith have been the primary influence of Sheridan's life and work and have dominated his continual search for that balance of craftsmanship and artistic expression which will elevate, in some small way, the human condition.

Sheridan feels he has learned to appreciate the richness of humankind and has come to believe that the purpose of his work should be "to magnify the dignity and nobility of the human spirit and the singular beauty of all things. When people look at one of my paintings, I'd like them to see that humans, indeed, are noble beings."

Duffy and his wife now live in Arizona.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

Duffy Sheridan

Friendship Rose


Oil on Linen

111.76 x 76.2 x [*] cm | 44 x 30 in

  • Chairman's Choice Awards ($350 Cash Award)

Exhibiting at the MEAM

Exhibiting at Salmagundi

This work is available for purchase, for inquiries please write to kara.ross@artrenewal.org

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

This work is on loan from a private collection.

Duffy Sheridan

Sara - A Gift of Peace


Oil on Linen

60.96 x 60.96 x [*] cm | 24 x 24 in

  • Honorable Mention / Figurative

Exhibiting at the MEAM

Exhibiting at Salmagundi

This work is available for purchase, for inquiries please write to kara.ross@artrenewal.org

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

This work is on loan from a private collection.