Coderch & Malavia Sculptors

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Coderch & Malavia Sculptors


Sharing the creation of an artwork is complicated, there has to be a predisposition that allows two personalities to fit together artistically. A single voice without any ego, two sensibilities engaged in a dialogue; four hands, those of Joan and Javier, capable of developing pieces that move between daydreaming and reality. The project uniting these two artists is unusual, as honest and authentic as their works.

Joan Coderch was born in Castellar del Vallès, Barcelona (1959), and graduated from Barcelona’s School of Fine Arts in 1984.

Javier Malavia was born in Oñati, Guipúzcoa (1970), and obtained his degree from the Saint Charles School of Fine Arts in Valencia in 1993.

Their individual journey as sculptors led them to coincide in the workshops of a large company dedicated to artistic production. There they discovered their shared affinities and coincidences in both the artistic field and personal life. In 2015, they finally decided to embark on this project that would take them to various benchmark maestros in the world of figurative art, such as Maillol, Rodin, Marini and Bourdelle.

Thus, their aesthetic discourse revolves around human beings, their material focuses on bronze, and their quest is excellence. Taken from life models, their sculptural pieces display not only a figurative result, but the exploration of different human attitudes towards life. Those viewing the works by Coderch & Malavia will have the good fortune to enjoy the encounter between these two concepts, figure and attitude, always making the artistic experience as unique and singular as it is special.

Despite their short career, Coderch & Malavia have participated in multiple collective and individual exhibitions, obtaining several selections and recognitions in both national and international contests. Their works form part of museums and private collections in different countries on five continents.

Joan and Javier currently live and work in Valencia.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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