Continuum, The Art of Daniel Graves
Published on January 15, 2019
The exhibition of the work of American painter, Daniel Graves, will be the first in Florence since the artist's arrival in the city 40 years ago. The venue - the Accademia's exhibition hall - offers Graves the perfect setting to showcase his life-long study of the human figure, a central theme of his work. The Accademia delle Arti del Disegno was founded by Vasari 500 years ago, and was home to members the likes of Michelangelo and Cellini. Its current Board continues to uphold its tradition to provide a venue for living artists and cultural events open to the public.
Graves is also founder of the ARC ApprovedSM The Florence Academy of Art, a world-renowned institution dedicated to the training of figurative realism. Like the Accademia, the Florence Academy is both philosophically and physically rooted in Florence's artistic heritage. The "figurative" and "humanistic" tradition of both city and academy continue to attract young people who see Florence as the ideal place for their artistic training.
The exhibition takes place from February 2 -28, 2019 at Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Via Orsanmichele, 4 Firenze, 50123, Italy.
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