Opportunity to Study with Max Ginsburg

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Opportunity to Study with Max Ginsburg

October 6, 2014

Unemployed On Line by Max Ginsburg
ARC Living Master™ Max Ginsburg will be conducting a 5-day Traditional Realist Alla Prima Oil Painting from Life workshop in his personal studio.
9am to 4 pm - Paint the live model, with demos, and critiques with Max.
4pm to 5pm - Max will discuss the concepts, procedures and development of his large multi-figure paintings including “War Pieta”, and “Unemployed On Line”, and “Foreclosure”, all of which are on view in the studio.

October 13th - 17th, 2014
5 days, Monday thru Friday
For more information or to register, please contact Maria Amor at 646-705-3833 or email maxginsburgstudio@gmail.com.