Füssli, between dream and fantasy
Published on September 15, 2022
Approximately sixty works by Johann Heinrich Füssli (better known as Henry Fuseli), artist of the imaginary, grotesque, and the sublime, will be on view in Paris in the first monographic exhibition of his art since 1975.
From Shakespearean subjects to representations of dreams, nightmares and apparitions, as well as mythological and biblical illustrations, he developed a new aesthetic that oscillated between dream and fantasy. An atypical and intellectual artist, he drew his inspiration from various literary works. Fueled by an imagination where terror and horror marry, he created in his painting the origins of dark romantic aesthetic, where the marvelous and the fantastic, the sublime and the grotesque constantly rub shoulders.
The exhibition runs from September 16, 2022 - January 23, 2023 at Jacquemart-Andre Museum, 158 Bd Haussmann, Paris, 75008 France.
To learn more about this exhibition, click here.
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