Sookyi Lee

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Sookyi Lee

Korea, Republic of

Sookyi Lee was born in Seoul, Korea and earned her BFA from Hong-Ik University. She moved to US to continue her study and earned her MFA in Fine Arts from Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Since the graduation, she actively continues her career as a full-time artist and a teacher. Sookyi’s works have been showcased and awarded in many exhibitions, including Portrait Society of America’s International Portrait Competitions, Oil Painters of America's National Juried Exhibitions, and ARC Salon interernationl competition. Also She worked as a faculty at the Academy of Art University teaching portrait and figure classes until she married. After a seven-year break from art for her young children, Sookyi resumed her artistic career in 2017. She believes that this experience gave her fresh viewpoints her recent works reflect. Her drawing, Bridget, was awarded the First Place in Drawing at the Portrait Society of America’s 2017 International Portrait Competition, and her new works are showcased at a variety of competitions and she also held drawing workshops at art schools and communities so far.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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