Ryan Jacque

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Ryan Jacque

United States

Ryan Douglas Jacque is an award winning professional artist.   His artwork, created exclusively in graphite pencil in the realism style, has been juried into many prestigious juried and open exhibitions around the US and Canada including The Leigh Yawkey Woodsen Museum’s “Birds In Art”, The Society for Animal Artists, The International Guild of Realism, The Bennington Center for The Arts, and The Audubon Society. The Woodson Museum owns several of Ryan’s originals.

Ryan’s portrait of internationally known wildlife artist/naturalist Robert Bateman was gifted to Mr. Bateman in 2013. The portrait was enlarged with Ryan’s permission and is on permanent display at The Robert Bateman Centre in Victoria, B.C.

Ryan’s work has appeared in a wide range of magazines from Fine Art Connoisseur to Bowhunter, even on beer bottles from one of his favorite local breweries.

Ryan is a member of The Society of Animal Artists, The Western Graphite Guild and The Pencil Art Society which designated Ryan as a “Master” Pencil Artist. Ryan is a native of Western Massachusetts where he still resides.

* This statement has been provided directly by the artist in association to their 14th International ARC Salon entries. This content has not been edited for typos or grammatical errors and has not been vetted for accuracy.

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