Universal Law by Janne Jaaskelainen

Home / Salons / 14th ARC Salon

Janne Jaaskelainen

Universal Law


200 x 1500 cm | 78 1/2 x 590 1/2 in

Oil on canvas

  • Most Ambitious ($250 Cash Award)


"Universal law" is the result of Janne Jaaskelainen's long term obsession with creating a large, dramatic, Baroque style compostion in the spirit of the old masters. The piece is inspired heavily by the artist's youth spent studying art in Italy, his fascination with history and the ever increasing influence of technology over our lives.


The work itself is a perpetual cycle of suffering, a type of non-religiuous purgatory scene. The five large panels depict humankind moving through time towards the contemporary day in an increasingly chaotic, procession like fashion. The initially idealistic figures enter the dark landscape, then struggle to adapt to their surroundings, become enslaved by their prior attempts to do so and seek final release by fighting each type of slavery only to end up in a new one until dissolving into the uncertain light of the future.